Maximize Your EFT Practice with Hydration: Here’s Why It’s Vital

Water is an essential element of the human body and hydration is fundamental for good health and well-being. It’s recommend that anyone using the tapping technique should be well-hydrated.

It’s common practice for skilled EFT Tapping practitioners to advise their clients to keep a glass of water within reach during sessions. This is helpful in case their mouth feels dry and they need to take a sip between rounds of tapping.

In this blog post, I will explain why drinking water is crucial when tapping with EFT and how it can help you get the most out of your session.

7 Reasons to Drink Water Before, During and After Tapping

  1. Dehydration could be causing the problem
    Dehydration can lead to a variety of health problems, including anxiety, headaches, and lack of focus. Therefore, it is essential to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water can help to maintain good hydration levels which can also help you stay focused and alert during your session.
  2. Increase in sweating and dry mouth during EFT sessions
    During an EFT session, you may experience uncomfortable emotions that could cause stress. Stress can lead to sweating or a dry mouth, making it important to keep a glass of water nearby. Drinking water can help alleviate these symptoms and make you feel more comfortable during the session.
  3. Water is an excellent energy conductor for EFT
    The human body is made up of up to 75% water, making it a fundamental element of the body. EFT practitioners work with the body’s electromagnetic energy, and water is the perfect conductor to ensure energy flows along the meridians. Research by Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto suggests that water is sensitive to all vibrations and has a unique frequency. Water can also restore balance and harmony and can be influenced by positive words such as “love” and “gratitude.” Therefore, drinking water can help enhance the effectiveness of EFT sessions.
  4. It can help release toxins from the body
    EFT tapping can help release emotional blockages and negative energy from the body, which can lead to the release of toxins. Drinking water can help flush out these toxins from the body and promote detoxification.
  5. It can help regulate body temperature
    During an EFT session, you may experience changes in body temperature due to the release of emotional energy. Drinking water can help regulate body temperature and prevent overheating or dehydration.
  6. It can help calm the nervous system
    EFT tapping can be an intense emotional experience, and the body may react by activating the fight, flight or freeze response, leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Drinking water can help calm the nervous system and reduce the physical symptoms associated with the stress response.
  7. It can promote relaxation and a sense of well-being
    Drinking water can help promote relaxation and a sense of well-being during an EFT session. The act of drinking water can be soothing and calming, and it can help create a positive association with the EFT tapping process.

In summary, it is vital to prioritise hydration when tapping with EFT. Drinking enough water can help maintain good health, increase focus, alleviate symptoms of stress, and enhance the effectiveness of tapping.

Good hydration is fundamental to our health and well-being, and it’s always best to stay hydrated to get the most out of your EFT tapping practice.

Suzannah Butcher

Suzannah is an award-winning entrepreneur and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping coach who lives by the sea in Devon, U.K. with her husband and two children. With a sensitive and compassionate approach, Suzannah works with women all around the world, helping them overcome the painful experiences of their past and guiding them towards creating their own pathway to emotional freedom, abundance, and joy so they feel empowered, confident and grounded. Her mission is to create a world where everyone can 'tap' into their inner power to heal & be happy!


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