Where Are EFT Tapping Points?

EFT uses nine specific tapping points located throughout the body...

Where to Tap

EFT uses nine specific tapping points located throughout the body. These points have been identified by traditional acupressure as the confluence points of your body’s energy flow.

Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques that utilize the body’s energy meridian points.

The meridian points are stimulated by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.

EFT Tapping Points Locations

Description of Tapping Point Locations, Association Meridians & Emotions

  • Side of the Hand (formerly The Karate Chop Point)
    This point is along the fleshy area of your hand approximately 1cm down from your little (pinky) finger. Here you can tap with two, three or four fingers.
    This point is associated with the small intestine meridian, and tapping on it can help release feelings of guilt, shame, and self-criticism.
  • Eyebrow
    The eyebrow points are located where your eyebrows start, on the bone of your eye socket. Tap on both sides.
    This point is associated with the bladder meridian and can help release feelings of anger, frustration, and resentment.
  • Side of the Eye
    These points are located on the edge of bone that juts out just before your eye starts. Be careful not to tap on your temples or too close to your eyes. Tap on both sides.
    This point is associated with the gallbladder meridian and can help alleviate feelings of indecision, self-doubt, and guilt.
  • Under the Eye
    Directly under each eye, around 2cms down, on the bone of the eye socket. Tap on both sides.
    This point is associated with the stomach meridian and can help release feelings of fear, anxiety, and worry.
  • Under the Nose
    Located between your nose and lip, right in the centre in the natural groove. Single point.
    This point is associated with the governing vessel meridian and can help alleviate feelings of embarrassment, shame, and self-doubt.
  • Chin
    Directly under the mouth found in the indentation between your lips and chin. Single point.
    This point is associated with the central vessel meridian and can help release feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy.
  • Collarbone
    Feel for your collarbones and find the soft area underneath, about 3-4cm out from the centre. Tap on both sides.
    This point is associated with the kidney meridian and can help alleviate feelings of anxiety, panic, and overwhelm.
  • Under the Arms
    The underarm points are just below your armpit, approximately level with your nipples. Tap on both sides in a hugging stance (left fingertips tapping right side and vice versa), or tap left fingertips to left side and vice versa (like chicken wings!). If neither of these feel comfortable, tap on one side.
    This point is associated with the spleen meridian and can help release feelings of worry, self-doubt, and anxiety.
  • The Top of the Head
    This point is at the crown of your head, right at the centre of your skull. Single point.
    This point is associated with the governing vessel meridian and can help alleviate feelings of confusion, overwhelm, and indecision.

At first, you may not get the points exactly and that’s okay. Beginners often use 2-3 fingers so as to tap a wider zone.

Side note: After the set-up phrase on the side of the hand, some practitioners start with the eyebrow point and work their way around, finishing a round at the top of the head, whilst others start at the top of the head, working their way down. It’s entirely personal choice and makes no difference to the success of your tapping.

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