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Blog Why It’s Important To Track & Measure Your EFT Progress
EFT SUDS Scale - Measuring Distress

Why It’s Important To Track & Measure Your EFT Progress


When you’re working on releasing emotional blocks and promoting healing using EFT, it’s important to have a clear understanding of your progress. Measuring your progress with EFT helps you to identify patterns and triggers that may be contributing to your emotional issues, and it allows you to develop strategies to cope with these triggers more effectively. By tracking your results, you can see how far you’ve come and give yourself credit for all the work you’ve done.

Also, measuring your progress can be an incredibly motivating and empowering experience. It allows you to see tangible evidence of your healing and growth, which can help you to feel more confident and optimistic about your journey towards emotional freedom. This, in turn, can help you to stay committed to the process and to keep moving forward even when it feels challenging.

By measuring your progress using the SUDS and SUE scales, described further below, you can gain insight into the changes happening within yourself. It allows you to see how your emotional state is shifting over time, which can help you to identify areas where you need to focus more on and where you’re making good progress. This insight can be particularly valuable when dealing with complex issues that require a longer healing journey.

The Suds Scale

    The SUDS scale was originally developed by Joseph Wolpe, a South African psychiatrist and pioneer in the field of behavior therapy, in the 1950s. Wolpe’s initial use of the scale was to measure the intensity of fear and anxiety experienced by patients in exposure therapy for anxiety disorders.

    Here’s a description of the SUDS scale:

    • 0: No distress is present
    • 1-3: Mild distress, with symptoms that are noticeable but not interfering significantly with daily functioning
    • 4-6: Moderate distress, with symptoms that are interfering with daily functioning
    • 7-9: Severe distress, with symptoms that are significantly interfering with daily functioning and causing significant impairment in daily life
    • 10: Extreme distress, with symptoms that are overwhelming and causing an inability to function normally

    The SUDS scale has since been widely used in various forms of behavioral and psychological therapies, including EFT, to measure the intensity of negative emotions and distress associated with specific issues. It is considered one of the most widely used assessment tools for emotional distress in behavioral therapy.

    Why the SUDS Scale is Widely Used

    The reason the SUDS scale is so widely used is that it provides a simple and standardized way of assessing emotional distress across different types of issues and individuals. It’s easy to understand and use, and it provides a numerical rating that allows clinicians and individuals to track progress over time.

    The use of the SUDS scale is empowering for individuals as it’s based on their subjective experience, which is a crucial aspect of effective therapy. By having individuals rate their own level of distress, they play an active role in their healing process, leading to a greater sense of control and empowerment. This also provides a more accurate representation of their emotional state and helps guide the therapeutic process towards more effective outcomes.

    Overall, the SUDS scale is an important tool for measuring progress in therapy, including EFT. It provides a simple and standardized way of assessing emotional distress and allows individuals and clinicians to track progress over time. This can be a motivating and empowering experience for individuals seeking emotional healing and growth.


    Tracking your EFT progress is vital for recognizing the improvements and understanding the ongoing process of emotional healing. Using scales like SUDS helps provide a structured way to measure and understand your emotional state, making your journey towards emotional freedom more effective and empowering.


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