Blog EFT Tapping for Stress Relief: More Zen, Less Worry
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EFT Tapping for Stress Relief: More Zen, Less Worry


In this fast-paced world, stress can easily consume us, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and drained. But fear not! We’re here to guide you through a gentle and empowering technique called tapping that will help you reduce stress and reclaim your inner peace.

So grab a blanket, make yourself a hot drink, find a comfortable spot, and let’s dive into the magical world of tapping together.

Understanding the Stress Epidemic

Stress, once a crucial survival mechanism, has evolved into an unwelcome guest in our modern lives. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors relied on stress to respond to life-threatening situations, enabling them to fight or flee in the face of danger. It served as a vital tool for survival.

However, the nature of stress has dramatically shifted in our fast-paced, technology-driven world. Today, our stressors extend way beyond physical threats. We find ourselves getting stressed over everyday occurrences like constant smartphone pings, information overload, work pressures, and social expectations. Our bodies and minds are frequently on high alert, reacting to perceived threats that pale in comparison to the survival challenges of our ancestors.

Overwhelming Post It Notes

This modern form of stress can be overwhelming and disruptive to our well-being. Our bodies are not designed to sustain prolonged activation of the stress response system. The chronic exposure to stress hormones takes a toll on our physical health, affecting our immune system, cardiovascular health, and digestive function. Mentally and emotionally, it contributes to a state of chronic anxiety, irritability, and diminished overall happiness.

Recognizing this shift in stress triggers is the first step towards effective stress management. We must understand that our bodies and minds are adapting to a rapidly changing world, and our stress responses may not always align with the actual level of threat we face.

By acknowledging and managing stress, we regain control over our well-being and cultivate a sense of resilience and inner peace, even in the midst of a hectic modern lifestyle.

The Power of Tapping

Enter tapping, a powerful technique that combines acupressure with modern psychology. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), has gained recognition for its effectiveness in reducing stress and cortisol levels, as supported by research and studies. This gentle practice involves the rhythmic tapping of specific meridian points on the body while simultaneously addressing and acknowledging the root causes of stress.

Studies have shown that EFT tapping can significantly reduce stress levels and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Research conducted by the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare revealed that individuals who engaged in EFT tapping experienced a significant decrease in cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. This reduction in cortisol levels is a testament to the profound impact of tapping on our physiological stress response.

Also, a study published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease found that participants who practiced EFT tapping experienced a significant reduction in anxiety symptoms, indicating its efficacy in managing stress-related emotional distress. By tapping into the body’s energy system and addressing the underlying emotional factors, EFT allows for the release of negative energy and facilitates a state of emotional balance and well-being.

Relax Stress Free Yoga

Through the process of tapping, we not only acknowledge and validate our emotions, but also create a pathway for their resolution. By tapping on the specific meridian points, we stimulate the body’s energy system, clearing energetic blockages and promoting a free flow of energy. This process enables us to release emotional burdens, transform limiting beliefs, and cultivate a sense of inner peace.

The beauty of tapping lies in its accessibility and simplicity. It can be easily integrated into our daily routines, serving as a powerful tool for self-care and stress management. By dedicating a few moments each day to tap, we empower ourselves to take an active role in our well-being, inviting more balance, resilience, and joy into our lives.

Practical Steps To Start Tapping For Stress

Let’s dive into the practical side of tapping and give it a try. We’ll walk you through two rounds of tapping that can help you release stress and hopefully help you to feel better. Remember, this is just one simple example, and you can personalize and extend your tapping routine based on your specific needs and preferences.

  • Set the Intention: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions. Take a deep breath and set the intention to acknowledge and release the emotions and stress associated with your current situation. Trust in your ability to do so.
  • Identify the Issue: Take a moment to identify the specific issue or source of stress that you would like to address during this tapping session. It could be work-related stress, relationship challenges, financial worries, or any other aspect of your life causing distress.
  • Rate the Intensity: On a scale of 0 to 10, rate the intensity of your stress or discomfort regarding the identified issue. This will help you track your progress as you tap.
  • Round One – Acknowledgment of the problem: Begin by tapping gently on the side of the hand point, located on the fleshy side of your dominant hand, between the base of your little finger and your wrist. While tapping, repeat this setup phrase three times – “Even though I feel stressed about [state the specific main issue causing you stress], I acknowledge and honor all the emotions and feelings that arise within me and love and accept myself anyway.”

    Now, we’ll move through a series of tapping points while repeating affirmations that acknowledge and validate your emotions. Use your fingertips to tap each point about 7 times while saying the affirmation out loud or in your mind. Here are the tapping points and affirmations for the acknowledgment round:
    • Eyebrow: “I honor my feelings of stress and overwhelm about [state your specific issue].”
    • Side of Eye: “This is a difficult time, and I’m doing my best.”
    • Under Eye: “I give myself permission to feel and express these emotions.”
    • Under Nose: “I accept all aspects of my experience regarding [state your specific issue] with compassion.”
    • Chin: “I embrace the full range of my emotions and am fully present with them now.”
    • Collarbone: “I am allowed to feel, and it is safe to acknowledge my emotions.”
    • Underarm: “I release any judgment and offer myself love and understanding.”
    • Top of Head: “I thank my mind and body for bringing this to my attention.”
  • Take a Breath: After completing the first round of tapping, take a deep breath and reassess the intensity of your stress or discomfort on a scale of 0 to 10. Notice any shifts or changes in your feelings. Repeat the above round of tapping until the intensity of stress decreases.
  • Round Two – Letting Go: Return to tapping on the side of the hand point and repeat the following setup phrase three times – “Even though I’ve been holding onto this stress for so long, I am ready to release it now and invite peace and calm into my heart.”

    Now, we’ll go through the tapping points again, focusing on affirmations that invite the release and letting go of stress. Use the same tapping points as before and repeat these affirmations:
    • Eyebrow: “I’m open to releasing this stress and tension from my body and mind.”
    • Side of Eye: “I let go of worries and fears, and embrace peace and love.”
    • Under Eye: “I’m willing to release the hold that stress has had on me.”
    • Under Nose: “I choose to move out of a stressful state and into a grounded, calm state”
    • Chin: “I release the weight of stress and allow myself to breathe slowly and deeply.”
    • Collarbone: “I release stress from every cell of my body, from my head to my toes.”
    • Underarm: “I am ready to let go of this stress and deal with things calmly and confidently”
    • Top of Head: “With each tap, I release stress and trust in my ability to overcome challenges. I am proud of myself for embracing this empowering technique and taking steps to positively manage my own well-being”
  • Closure: Take a moment to express gratitude for the tapping practice and for yourself, acknowledging the commitment you’ve made to your well-being.
  • Take a Breath: After completing the second round of tapping, take a deep breath and tune into your body and mind. Notice any shifts in your energy, any sensations of lightness or relief. Continue tapping until you feel the stress dissipate and release. It can be helpful to journal on your experiences, so you can monitor your progress with tapping.

While the above script serves as a helpful starting point, it’s important to acknowledge that everyone’s stress journey is unique. If you find that your stress feels overwhelming and unmanageable on your own, consider seeking support from a qualified EFT practitioner. Their personalized guidance and expertise can assist you in navigating deeper layers of stress, providing invaluable insights and helping you move forward towards a greater sense of well-being.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you found these two rounds of tapping helpful and want to experience even more stress relief, we've got you covered. Access our comprehensive anxiety tapping script and workbook designed to guide you through a complete EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) session.

Take the next step in your journey towards calm and confidence.


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