Manifest Love with EFT Tapping: Attract a Romantic Partner (VIDEO)
Manifest Love with EFT Tapping: Attract a Romantic Partner (VIDEO)
Today, we’re going on a special journey using EFT Tapping to manifest love in our lives. If you’ve ever explored the Law of Attraction, you’ll know that opening yourself up to love starts from within. By releasing any blocks or limiting beliefs we hold around love, we can invite in the type of connection we truly desire.
As we go through this tapping session together, I encourage you to be gentle with yourself. Take the time to acknowledge any emotions that come up, and trust that by doing so, you’re creating space for something beautiful to unfold.
At the end, we’ll also finish with a visualization to help align your heart with the kind of love you wish to manifest. Now, let’s begin this loving process.
Welcome, beautiful people. I'm Suzannah, founder of the Tapping Association. And today we're going on a little tapping journey together to try and manifest love in our lives. Now, as you tap today, I want you to be really open and gentle with yourself. We're also going to do a short visualisation at the end as well. So take a moment to settle in, get yourself nice and comfortable where you're sitting. Roll your shoulders. Just relax yourself down. Take breath. Okay, let's get started.
So tapping on the side of the hand. I'm just reminding you that if I say anything that doesn't feel quite true for you, then just feel free to adjust the words to suit your specific situation. We always tap on the negative first, so that might feel a little bit strange, but we have to honour the truth of how we're feeling. But just switch anything up that doesn't feel quite right for you.
Side of the hand: Repeating after me, either in your mind or out loud. Even though I have this feeling of being unworthy of love, I love and accept myself anyway.
Even though I have this feeling of being unworthy of love, I love and accept myself anyway. Even though I sometimes doubt my ability to attract a romantic partner. I'm learning to accept myself.
Even though I feel scared and vulnerable about opening my heart, I deeply and completely love, honour, and accept myself.
Eyebrow point: I feel unworthy of love.
Side of the eye: I worry that love will never find me or I'll never find it.
Under the eye: Maybe part of me is scared of being hurt in some way, scared of things not working out.
Under the nose: Sometimes I feel lonely and unsure of myself.
Chin point: Sometimes I doubt my ability to create a loving relationship.
Collarbone point: And I feel stuck with all these negative beliefs. It's getting me down.
Under the arm: I carry this fear with me in my heart and mind.
Top of the head: But I acknowledge everything that's coming up. Just let them be.
Eyebrow point: I feel overwhelmed by past disappointments.
Side of the eye: Sometimes I think I'm not enough or it's never going to happen for me.
Under the eye: I feel vulnerable when I think about being with someone new.
Under the nose: I feel tension in my body when I think about love, finding love.
Chin point: Holding on to all these doubts.
Collarbone point: And I recognise all this discomfort within me.
Under the arm: I recognise the weight of all this.
Top of the head: But I'm here and I'm ready to process all of this.
Eyebrow point: What if I could open my heart to love?
Side of the eye: Maybe I can trust that love is possible, that love is out there.
Under the eye: I know that in the past, I've experienced moments of joy in relationships. All my relationships.
Under the nose: And I can see how I've grown from all these past experiences.
Chin point: Maybe somewhere along the way, I learn that I'm not deserving of love or happiness.
Collarbone point: And that makes me feel sad.
Under the arm: What if love is waiting for me? What if there is a person who will love me just the way I am?
Top of the head: I'm willing to shift my perspective on love. I don't need to change. I just need to be myself.
Eyebrow point: I give myself permission to release these doubts.
Side of the eye: It's safe for me to let go of all the past, hurts, challenges, difficulties. Just letting them go.
Under the eye: I'm willing to open my heart again. Fresh start.
Under the nose: I wonder if I can embrace vulnerability. It's okay to be vulnerable.
Chin point: I give myself the space and freedom I need to attract love into my life.
Collarbone point: It's safe for me to be seen and be loved. It's safe.
Under the arm: And I release any resistance around this with grace and ease.
Top of the head: I'm ready to let go of what no longer serves me. Bye. We're going to let it all go.
Eyebrow point: I give myself permission to feel worthy of love, and that starts with loving myself unconditionally.
Side of the eye: It's safe for me to believe in love.
Under the eye: I'm willing to let go of any limiting beliefs that I have about finding love.
Under the nose: I wonder if I can swap expectation about love to appreciation about the love I already have in my life. There is love.
Chin point: The love I have for myself, the people in my life, maybe a pet or an animal, the things I love. Being outdoors, nature, the way I nurture myself with healthy food. All that love.
Collarbone point: I give myself permission to be open and it's safe to express my feelings.
Under the arm: Slowly release the barriers I've built, bringing down those barriers.
Top of the head: I'm ready to welcome more love into my life in any and all forms. Love is everywhere.
Positive Affirmations:
Eyebrow point: I am worthy of deep and fulfilling love. I'm worthy.
Side of the eye: I attract love that aligns with my heart, with my soul.
Under the eye: I'm open to experiencing love in my life.
Under the nose: I deserve a partner who really cherishes me.
Chin point: I trust that love is coming my way.
Collarbone point: I'm ready to give and receive love.
Under the arm: I embrace the beauty of connection, human connection.
Top of the head: I am love, and I attract love effortlessly.
Closing Visualization:
Okay, stop tapping. Amazing. Well done. So take a breath. Just let that energy settle. We're going to do a short visualisation now for manifesting love. So just close down your eyes nice and gently, opening your heart, closing the eyes, opening the heart. I just invite you to take a moment to visualise your ideal partner.
Now, rather than the physical, although that's okay, too, we're going to just imagine the qualities that are really important to you in a person. So that might be kindness, compassion, support, thought, strength. Maybe someone who shares your beliefs and views on the world, someone who aligns with your values and the things that are important to you. Just picture how it feels to be with someone that truly understands you, someone who brings joy and peace into your life. Visualise the love that you wish to attract, feeling that warmth and connection. So it's already present in your life. It's already here. I want you to see yourself with it already here. Maybe you're smiling, being gracious, laughing, or simply being with this person softly. Bring trust into your heart and just let that radiate out into the universe, trusting that the person is coming to you.
Well done. Now slowly open your eyes. Take a deep breath. Slow release. Putting it all out there. Reminding yourself that as you finish this tapping session today, you are worthy and deserving of love, and it is on its way to you. But remembering as well to take care of yourself and appreciate the love in your life.
Loving yourself as well is so, so important. Thank you so much for tapping with me today. Take care.
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