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Blog Inner Child Healing - How to Find Peace to Your Heart
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Inner Child Healing - How to Find Peace to Your Heart


Healing your inner child is a journey of profound self-discovery and gentle nurturing. It’s about revisiting parts of yourself that have been long overlooked or wounded, offering them the love and care they deserve. Imagine the tender corners of your heart where memories of childhood reside—sometimes quietly, and other times with a stirring that echoes through your adult experiences.

If you’ve ever found yourself reacting to situations in ways that seem disproportionate or out of your control, your inner child might be trying to speak to you. These moments, where emotions flare unexpectedly or where you struggle to find your voice, are invitations from your inner child to acknowledge and heal past wounds. Let’s explore how to recognize these moments and begin the journey of healing together.

Understanding Your Inner Child

Imagine this: you’re in a meeting at work, and someone challenges your idea. Immediately, you feel a knot in your stomach, your heart races, and you struggle to find the right words. You might feel overwhelmed, almost as if you’re a child again, powerless and unheard. These are signs that your inner child is reacting.

Similarly, you’re at a social gathering, and you notice a group of people whispering and glancing in your direction; this may prompt a feeling of insecurity. You feel a pang of anxiety and self-doubt creeping in. Your mind starts racing with thoughts like, "They must be talking about me," or "I don’t belong here." You might feel an overwhelming urge to leave or find yourself withdrawing into yourself, feeling rejected and unworthy. These reactions stem from moments in childhood where you might have felt excluded or criticized, triggering your inner child’s fear of abandonment or not being good enough.

Or maybe you've been in an argument with a loved one. As tensions rise, you notice yourself becoming defensive or shutting down emotionally. Your heart starts pounding, and you feel a lump in your throat, unable to express your true feelings. You might even resort to passive-aggressive behavior or emotional withdrawal, hindering your ability to practice self-compassion. These responses mirror patterns from childhood where you might have experienced conflict or emotional volatility in your family dynamic. Your wounded inner child, feeling vulnerable and afraid of conflict, steps in to protect itself, often hindering open communication and resolution in your adult relationships.

Our inner child represents the younger versions of ourselves, carrying all the emotions and memories from childhood. When we encounter situations that resemble past hurts or traumas, our wounded inner child steps in, often taking control of our emotional responses. This can manifest as feeling unable to speak up, having emotional outbursts, or feeling intense fear or shame.

Why Inner Child Work Is Important

You might wonder why it’s essential to heal your inner child. The truth is, unresolved childhood experiences can profoundly impact our adult lives. Childhood lays the foundation for how we navigate relationships, cope with challenges, and perceive ourselves. When these early experiences are painful or traumatic, they can leave lasting imprints on our emotional and psychological well-being.

  • Impact on Relationships: Unhealed wounds from childhood can manifest as difficulties in forming and maintaining healthy relationships. For instance, if you experienced abandonment or betrayal as a child, you might struggle with trust issues or fear of intimacy as an adult. These patterns can lead to repeated conflicts or difficulties in connecting with others on a deep emotional level.
  • Impact on Self-Esteem: Childhood trauma often undermines a child’s sense of self-worth and confidence. Messages of inadequacy or shame can linger into adulthood, shaping how we view ourselves and our capabilities. This can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors, perfectionism, or a persistent feeling of not being good enough, no matter our achievements.
  • Impact on Well-Being: The stress and emotional turmoil caused by childhood trauma can also impact physical health. Research has shown links between early adversity and increased risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression. By addressing these emotional wounds through inner child work, you can potentially reduce the long-term health impacts of unresolved trauma. Inner child work can help facilitate this healing process, especially when combined with techniques like EFT Tapping or EMDR.

By addressing these wounds with compassion and understanding, you not only free yourself from patterns that no longer serve you but also create healthier coping mechanisms. Healing your inner child involves nurturing and validating the experiences of your younger self, allowing you to reclaim your sense of self-worth and rebuild a foundation of resilience and emotional strength. This process isn’t just about overcoming past wounds; it’s about reclaiming your sense of self and nurturing the parts of you that have been neglected, fostering self-compassion, and building resilience in the face of adversity. By acknowledging and validating your inner child’s experiences, you lay the groundwork for healing that extends into every aspect of your life.

Childhood Trauma and Complex Trauma

Childhood trauma encompasses a wide range of experiences that can profoundly impact a person’s development and well-being; acknowledging these can prompt kinder self-understanding. These experiences can include:

  • Physical Abuse: Acts of violence or physical harm inflicted upon a child by a caregiver or authority figure. Physical abuse can leave both visible and invisible scars, affecting a child’s sense of safety and trust.
  • Emotional Neglect: The absence of emotional support, validation, or responsiveness from caregivers. Emotional neglect can be just as damaging as overt abuse, leading to feelings of abandonment, worthlessness, or emotional numbness, meaning practice self-compassion becomes crucial.
  • Sexual Abuse: Inappropriate or coercive sexual behavior directed towards a child. Sexual abuse can have devastating long-term effects on a child’s self-esteem, relationships, and sexual health.
  • Complex Trauma: This term refers to exposure to multiple traumatic events over an extended period, often within the context of interpersonal relationships or within a specific environment (e.g., dysfunctional family, war zone, community violence). Complex trauma can include elements of both childhood trauma and ongoing adversity in adulthood, creating complex challenges in recovery and healing.

These early experiences shape not only how we perceive ourselves and the world around us but also influence our behaviors and emotional responses well into adulthood. They can lead to difficulties in regulating emotions, forming healthy attachments, and coping with stress. Recognizing the impact of childhood trauma is crucial for understanding why certain patterns of behavior or emotional reactions persist, even when they seem irrational or out of proportion to current situations.

By engaging in inner child work and addressing these early wounds with compassion and therapeutic support, you can begin to untangle the complexities of their past and foster a path towards healing and personal growth. This journey allows you to reclaim their narrative, build resilience, and cultivate healthier relationships with yourself and others.

Recognizing Your Inner Child

As you begin your healing journey, one of the most valuable practices you can engage in is becoming more aware of when your inner child is speaking. Your inner child communicates through emotions, sensations, and reactions that echo from past experiences, prompting you to pay attention to these signals. By recognizing them, you can begin to understand and nurture the wounded parts of yourself.

  • Emotional Triggers: Notice moments when you feel sudden surges of emotion—anger, sadness, fear, or even joy—that seem disproportionate to the current situation. These emotional spikes often originate from unresolved childhood experiences where your younger self felt vulnerable or threatened. Journaling about these emotions can help you identify recurring patterns and the specific triggers that activate your inner child’s responses.
  • Physical Sensations: Pay attention to how your body responds in different situations. Tension in your shoulders, a knot in your stomach, or a racing heart are physical manifestations of emotional distress. These sensations are your body’s way of signaling that something deeper is at play, possibly rooted in childhood experiences that shaped your emotional responses. Keeping a journal can help you track these physical cues and recognize patterns over time.
  • Thought Patterns: Notice repetitive thoughts or inner dialogues that surface during challenging moments. These thoughts often reflect beliefs or narratives that were formed in childhood and continue to influence your behavior and self-perception. Journaling can help you uncover these underlying beliefs and explore how they impact your present-day experiences and relationships.
  • Journaling as a Tool: Consider starting a journal to document your reflections and observations. Writing down your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations can provide clarity and insight into your inner world. It can also serve as a safe space to explore difficult emotions and gain a deeper understanding of your inner child’s needs.

Begin by jotting down any instances where you notice strong emotional reactions or physical discomfort. Reflect on the circumstances surrounding these moments—what triggered the reaction? How did you respond? What age did you feel in that moment? What memories or feelings surfaced? Over time, you may start to notice patterns and themes that reveal deeper insights into your inner child’s experiences and wounds.

By cultivating this awareness through journaling, you empower yourself to respond to your inner child with compassion and understanding. This practice sets the foundation for effective inner child work, allowing you to gradually heal past wounds and reclaim your emotional well-being.

Using EFT Tapping for Inner Child Healing

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping is a powerful tool for healing your inner child, and it may help you get in touch with those deeply buried emotions. It involves gently tapping on specific meridian points on your body while focusing on the emotions and experiences that are causing distress. EFT Tapping helps to release emotional blocks and restore balance to your energy system. This type of therapy promotes emotional well-being and self-compassion.

Research has shown that EFT Tapping can be effective in reducing symptoms of PTSD and other forms of trauma. Studies have demonstrated its ability to lower cortisol levels and alleviate emotional distress by rewiring neural pathways in the brain. This technique empowers you to take an active role in your healing journey, offering a safe and gentle approach to processing difficult emotions.

Getting Started with EFT Tapping

If you’re new to EFT Tapping, here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  • Identify Your Trigger: Think about a specific situation or memory that triggers strong emotions or discomfort.
  • Rate Your Distress: On a scale from 0 to 10, rate the intensity of your emotions related to this trigger.

  • Setup Statement: Create a setup statement that acknowledges the issue while affirming self-acceptance and love; this practice helps us cope better as we state the truth of how we are feeling, rather than suppressing it. For example, “Even though I feel scared when I think about [trigger], I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

  • Tap on the Side of the Hand: Repeat your setup statement three times whilst tapping on the side of the hand.
  • Follow the Tapping Sequence: Tap gently on each of the following points, repeating a reminder phrase that summarizes your issue related to a difficult childhood memory:

    • Eyebrow: "This fear I felt when [specific trigger]"
    • Side of the eye: "All the tension in my body from [specific trigger]"
    • Under the eye: "This sadness about [specific trigger]"
    • Under the nose: "The shame I carry from [specific trigger]"
    • Chin: "This guilt I've held onto since [specific trigger]"
    • Collarbone: "The hurt in my heart from [specific trigger]"
    • Under the arm: "This anger I've suppressed since [specific trigger]"
    • Top of the head: "All the fear that still lingers from [specific trigger]"

Example Round:

    • Eyebrow: "This fear I felt when I was criticized as a child"
    • Side of the eye: "All the tension in my body from feeling rejected"
    • Under the eye: "This sadness about not feeling loved enough"
    • Under the nose: "The shame I carry from being bullied"
    • Chin: "This guilt I've held onto since I blamed myself for my parents' arguments"
    • Collarbone: "The hurt in my heart from feeling abandoned"
    • Under the arm: "This anger I've suppressed since my brother hurt me"
    • Top of the head: "All the fear that still lingers from the time I got lost as a child"

Repeat this sequence as you tap gently on each point, focusing on the specific emotions and sensations related to your difficult childhood memory. This practice helps release emotional blocks and allows healing to take place.

  • Reassess Your Distress: After completing a round of tapping, reassess your distress level. Notice any shifts in your emotions or physical sensations.
  • Repeat as Needed: Continue tapping on the issue until your distress level decreases significantly. You may need to revisit the same issue multiple times to fully resolve it.
  • Positive Affirmations for Safety: Once you feel a sense of calm and release from the tapping, transition to positive affirmations. Focus on statements that affirm your safety and empowerment, such as:
    • Eyebrow: "I am safe and protected."
    • Side of the eye: "I trust in my ability to handle challenges."
    • Under the eye: "My adult self has the strength to heal and grow."
    • Under the nose: "I create a safe and nurturing environment for myself."
    • Chin: "I am deserving of love, respect, and security."
    • Collarbone: "I release all fear and embrace my inner strength."
    • Under the arm: "I choose to let go of old wounds and welcome healing."
    • Top of the head: "I am resilient and capable of overcoming any challenges."

A Note on Self-Care and Professional Support

While EFT Tapping can be a valuable self-help tool, it’s essential to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. EFT Tapping is effective for addressing various emotional issues, but it may not be sufficient on its own for everyone, especially those dealing with complex trauma or deep-seated psychological challenges. If you’re dealing with complex trauma or find yourself struggling to cope, consider seeking support from a qualified mental health professional or therapist who can provide guidance and personalized care.

Complex trauma often involves prolonged or repeated traumatic experiences, such as ongoing abuse or neglect, which can deeply affect one’s sense of self and ability to trust others. Working with a mental health professional who specializes in trauma can provide a safe and structured environment to explore these issues more deeply. They can help you develop additional coping mechanisms, process difficult emotions, and create a tailored healing plan that addresses your unique needs.

Remember, healing your inner child is a gentle process that requires patience and self-compassion. It’s important to honor your own pace and not rush the journey. Sometimes, emotions and memories can surface that are overwhelming or confusing, and having professional support can ensure you navigate these experiences safely.

Additionally, a mental health professional can introduce you to various therapeutic modalities that complement EFT Tapping, such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), somatic experiencing, or trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy. These therapies can provide further support and deepen your healing process.

Self-care practices such as journaling, meditation, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also support your journey. Engage in activities that nurture your well-being and create a sense of safety and stability in your life. Building a support system of trusted friends or support groups can also offer additional emotional support and connection.

In conclusion, while EFT Tapping is a powerful tool for inner child healing, it is just one part of a comprehensive approach to emotional and psychological well-being. Prioritize your health by seeking professional help when needed, and always treat yourself with the kindness and care you deserve on this healing journey.


Healing your inner child is a courageous step towards finding peace within yourself. By nurturing the wounded parts of your younger self, you can overcome past hurts and reclaim your sense of wholeness, which helps us grow in emotional resilience. EFT Tapping offers a practical and empowering way to support this journey, helping you to release emotional burdens and create a more compassionate relationship with yourself. Journaling or meditation can complement EFT Tapping effectively, and practicing self-compassion may help enhance the benefits. Remember, you deserve healing, and you have the power to transform your life through gentle self-care and understanding.

Take the first step today towards healing your inner child and embracing a future filled with compassion and resilience. Your inner child is waiting to be heard and nurtured—give yourself the gift of healing and find peace in your heart.


How do I know if I have unresolved issues from my childhood that need healing?

It’s common to have unresolved childhood issues if you find yourself reacting strongly to certain situations, experiencing patterns of behavior or emotions that feel disproportionate, or struggling with self-esteem and relationship challenges. If you notice recurring themes from your past affecting your present life, it might indicate that your inner child needs healing.

Can inner child work help with current relationship difficulties?

Yes, inner child work can significantly impact your relationships by addressing underlying emotional wounds from childhood. Unhealed aspects of your inner child can affect how you relate to others, including issues with trust, intimacy, communication, and conflict resolution. By healing these wounds, you can cultivate healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

How long does it take to heal your inner child?

Healing your inner child is a unique and personal journey that varies for each individual. The timeframe depends on factors such as the complexity of your childhood experiences, your willingness to engage in self-reflection and healing practices, and the support you have during the process. It’s important to approach inner child work with patience and compassion for yourself.

Is it necessary to revisit painful memories from childhood during inner child healing?

While inner child work involves acknowledging past wounds, it doesn’t necessarily require reliving traumatic events in detail. The focus is on understanding how these experiences have shaped your beliefs, emotions, and behaviors in adulthood. Therapeutic approaches like EFT Tapping and visualization techniques can help you process emotions without retraumatizing yourself.

Dive Deeper Into Healing

If you've found value in exploring healing for your inner child through our blog, imagine the transformative journey awaiting you with our complete EFT tapping script and workbook. Dive deeper into your healing process and discover lasting peace and joy. Click here to purchase your copy and start your empowering journey today.


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