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Blog Struggling With Pain? Try EFT Tapping Now for Relief
Woman Feeling Pain Relief After Using EFT Tapping

Struggling With Pain? Try EFT Tapping Now for Relief


If you're someone who battles with chronic pain or even occasional discomfort, you know first-hand how it can affect your quality of life.

Pain isn't just physical; it can weigh heavily on your emotions, making everyday tasks challenging and draining. Finding effective ways to manage and relieve pain is essential for improving your overall well-being. In this blog post, we'll explore a gentle and effective technique called Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly referred to as EFT Tapping, that has helped many find relief from pain, both physical and emotional.

However, before we dive in, it's important to take responsibility for your own health and well-being. If you have chronic pain or a serious medical condition, consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or self-care routine. Additionally, seeking guidance from an EFT practitioner can provide valuable support tailored to your needs.

Understanding Pain: More Than Just Physical

Pain is a multifaceted experience that extends beyond mere physical discomfort. While it often originates from a physical source such as injury or illness, its impact resonates deeply within our emotional and psychological realms.

Common areas where people experience pain include the neck, shoulders, lower back, and joints such as knees and hips. Common symptoms of pain such as tension headaches, muscle stiffness, and back pain are often exacerbated by stress and tension, highlighting the interconnected relationship between emotional well-being and physical discomfort.

Each person's experience of pain is unique, influenced by their individual constitution, life circumstances, and even cultural background. Pain is not just a physical sensation but also a significant factor in mental health. Chronic illness and pain can provoke feelings of hopelessness, depression, and make anxiety levels rise. Addressing pain holistically, which includes its emotional, psychological, and emotional pain aspects, is crucial for overall well-being.

The Physical Aspect

Physically, pain serves as a signal from the body that something is amiss. It can range from acute, sharp sensations to persistent, dull aches, affecting various parts of the body. This physical discomfort not only limits mobility and functionality but can also disrupt sleep patterns and overall quality of life.

The Emotional Aspect

Emotionally, pain can be equally challenging to navigate. It often induces feelings of frustration, helplessness, and even fear, particularly when it becomes chronic or debilitating. The constant presence of pain can lead to mood swings, irritability, and a sense of isolation as it alters one's ability to engage fully in daily activities and process emotions effectively.

The Psychological Aspect

Psychologically, pain intertwines with our thoughts and perceptions, influencing our mental well-being. Chronic illness and/or pain, in particular, can erode self-esteem and confidence, as individuals grapple with the limitations it imposes on their lives. Anxiety about the future, depression due to prolonged suffering, and a loss of hope can further exacerbate the pain experience.

Addressing Pain Holistically

To comprehensively address pain, it is essential to recognize and integrate all these aspects into treatment, including alternative approaches like EFT Tapping. This holistic perspective acknowledges that effective pain management transcends mere alleviation of physical symptoms; it entails fostering emotional resilience and nurturing psychological well-being. Holistic health emphasizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit, advocating for approaches that consider all facets of an individual's health. Integrating practices such as EFT acknowledges the profound impact of emotional and psychological factors on physical health, promoting a balanced and sustainable approach to well-being.

Exploring Resistance

Emotionally, pain encompasses more than just the physical sensation; it intertwines with our emotional landscape, often triggering complex responses that include resistance, frustration, and fear, along with other perceived negative emotions, whether conscious or unconscious. It's important to recognize that all emotions are valid, and there is no such thing as a 'bad' emotion. Understanding and addressing these emotional aspects are crucial for effective pain management strategies, including the use of techniques like EFT Tapping. This approach encourages a holistic view of pain relief, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical discomfort and emotional well-being.

Resistance to Pain

Resistance is a natural response to pain, especially when it becomes chronic or pervasive in daily life:

  • Frustration: Feeling frustrated with the limitations imposed by pain, such as reduced mobility or the inability to participate in activities you enjoy.
  • Helplessness: Sensing a lack of control over your pain or feeling powerless in managing its impact on your life can be daunting.
  • Fear: Fear of the pain worsening, fear of the future, or fear of not being able to cope with ongoing discomfort.

Emotional Responses to Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can evoke a range of emotional responses that affect overall well-being:

  • Mood Swings: Fluctuations in mood due to the unpredictability of pain and its effects on daily life and relationships, which can be mitigated by addressing the root cause. Recognizing and reframing negative thought patterns, such as catastrophizing about pain outcomes, can also help manage mood swings effectively.
  • Irritability: Heightened sensitivity or irritability due to persistent discomfort and the strain it places on mental and emotional resources, which can be alleviated through stress management techniques and mindfulness practices. Mindfulness helps in observing thoughts without judgment and reducing emotional reactivity, thus easing irritability.
  • Sense of Isolation: Feeling isolated or misunderstood by others who may not fully grasp the extent of your pain or its impact on your life, which can be reduced by seeking support from therapy groups or counseling. Addressing feelings of isolation involves connecting with others who share similar experiences and understanding the importance of social support networks.

Being Mindful of Pain: A Curious Approach

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for addressing resistance and emotional distress related to pain. When using EFT Tapping as a method for pain relief, approaching it with mindfulness can enhance its effectiveness. Mindfulness involves consciously paying attention to the present moment without judgment, which can be particularly beneficial when dealing with pain, including referred pain that may originate from distant parts of the body but is felt elsewhere. This awareness helps in identifying and alleviating pain triggers more effectively during tapping sessions.

Acceptance and Exploration

Acceptance: Mindfulness encourages a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to pain, allowing for greater emotional resilience and overall well-being when experiencing pain.

Exploration: By approaching pain with curiosity, you can explore its nuances and underlying emotional triggers.

Emotional Release: Mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing or body scanning, can facilitate the release of emotional tension associated with pain.

Questions to Consider When Being Mindful of Pain

When practicing EFT Tapping and mindfulness, consider the following aspects of your pain experience:

  • Intensity: How intense is the pain on a scale from 1 to 10? Notice if the intensity fluctuates during the tapping process.
  • Location: Where exactly do you experience the pain in your body? Is it localized to a specific area or does it radiate?
  • Quality: How would you describe the pain? Is it sharp, dull, throbbing, or burning?
  • Duration: How long has this pain been present? Does it come and go, or is it persistent?
  • Triggers: Are there specific activities, movements, or situations that worsen or alleviate the pain?

Imagery and Visualization Techniques

Incorporating visualization techniques can deepen your awareness of pain and its impact:

  • Color: Imagine the color of the pain. Does it have a hue or shade that comes to mind? Visualizing the color can help you engage with the pain in a non-threatening way.
  • Shape: Consider the shape of the pain. Is it jagged, smooth, or pulsating? Visualizing the shape can provide insights into how the pain manifests in your body.
  • Texture: Think about the texture of the pain. Is it rough, soft, or prickly? Sensing the texture can connect you more intimately with the sensation.

By integrating mindfulness practices into your EFT Tapping routine, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of your pain experience and potentially enhance the effectiveness of your pain relief efforts. Mindfulness encourages a compassionate and non-judgmental approach to pain, allowing for greater emotional resilience and overall well-being.

EFT Tapping & Pain Relief

EFT combines gentle tapping on specific acupressure points with focused attention on the issue at hand, whether it's physical pain or emotional distress. This technique draws from principles of traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, which posits that energy flows through meridian points in the body. By tapping on these points with the fingertips, EFT aims to clear blockages in the energy flow, restoring balance to the body's energy system. The tapping itself is gentle and rhythmic, intended to stimulate these points without causing discomfort. This action is believed to send signals to the brain, promoting relaxation and reducing the body's stress response.

Whether addressing physical pain or emotional distress, EFT encourages focused attention on the specific issue. This can involve verbal acknowledgment of the problem while tapping on the designated points. Sometimes, individuals may experience internal resistance or conflicting emotions about addressing their pain or distress. EFT includes methods to address this resistance, such as using affirmations or specific tapping sequences designed to shift negative thought patterns.

Proponents of EFT tapping believe that by tapping on meridian points, the technique helps restore balance to the body's energy system, supporting overall well-being and resilience against physical and emotional challenges. EFT Tapping is also recognized for its ability to reduce stress responses in the body. Stress can exacerbate pain and emotional distress by increasing muscle tension and triggering hormonal changes. By promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system, tapping may help alleviate stress signals processed by the amygdala due to chronic pain and illnesses.

EFT Tapping is often used as part of a holistic approach to health and wellness, complementing other therapies and self-care practices, including conventional medical treatments, meditation, and exercise. Individuals can tailor EFT Tapping sessions to address specific concerns and goals, whether managing chronic pain, anxiety, trauma recovery, or enhancing overall emotional resilience.

Research and Evidence

Research on EFT Tapping has shown promising results in various aspects of pain management and emotional well-being. Several studies have explored its effects on reducing pain intensity, alleviating psychological distress, and even modulating physiological responses like cortisol levels.

Reduction in Pain and Psychological Distress

A 2013 Study on Chronic Pain: A study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine examined the effects of EFT on veterans suffering from chronic pain. The findings indicated significant reductions in pain, as well as improvements in psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

A 2016 Meta-Analysis: A meta-analysis published in Review of General Psychology reviewed multiple studies on EFT, concluding that it effectively reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) across different populations.

Physiological Effects: Cortisol Reduction

Research has also explored how EFT Tapping influences physiological markers associated with stress, such as cortisol levels:

A 2012 Study on Stress Reduction: A study published in Energy Psychology investigated the effects of EFT Tapping on cortisol levels in participants experiencing psychological distress. The results suggested significant reductions in cortisol levels following EFT sessions, indicating a potential stress-reducing effect.

As with any complementary therapy, it's crucial to consult with healthcare professionals, especially for chronic or severe conditions. While preliminary studies are promising, individual responses to EFT Tapping may vary, and further research is needed. Healthcare providers can offer personalized guidance and monitor outcomes to ensure safe and effective integration into a comprehensive treatment plan.

EFT Tapping for Pain Relief - A Gentle Starter Script

Before beginning, it's essential to measure your Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS) score to gauge your initial level of emotional discomfort. This allows you to track changes in the pain and your emotional state throughout the tapping session. Remember, using language consciously can make a significant cognitive difference. Instead of saying "my pain is back again," try framing it as "the pain is back again," emphasizing that it's something you're addressing rather than something that defines you.

If you encounter any difficulty, discomfort, or pain while tapping, feel free to modify the routine to better suit your needs. You can tap more gently, press on the points, gently rub the points, or focus on fewer points as necessary. It's crucial to listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly.

Here's a simple EFT Tapping script you can use for pain relief. Remember to customize the script to fit your specific experience and feelings:

Setup Phrase (tap on the Side of the Hand point and repeat three times): "Even though I feel this [describe the pain], I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Reminder Phrases Round 1:

  • Eyebrow: This pain in my [describe there the pain is].
  • Side of Eye: I feel it when I [describe when it's felt most].
  • Under Eye: This sensation of [describe the pain, using the questions above].
  • Under Nose: I acknowledge this pain and discomfort, and am open to tapping relieving it.
  • Chin: I would be grateful for any kind of pain relief, no matter how small.
  • Collarbone: Even though I feel this pain, I deeply and completely accept myself.
  • Under Arm: This pain I'm experiencing looks like [describe what the pain looks like if you visualize it].
  • Top of Head: I'm open to understanding this pain better.

Round 2:

  • Eyebrow: It's safe for me to release this pain now.
  • Side of Eye: I choose to feel some relief.
  • Under Eye: Letting go of any stress, tension and resistance.
  • Under Nose: Embracing comfort and ease. It's safe to relax.
  • Chin: My body deserves relief and maybe tapping can help me.
  • Collarbone: Calming my nerves with this gentle tapping technique.
  • Under Arm: Choosing peace and well-being as I tap with compassion.
  • Top of Head: Feeling lighter and more at ease now.

Round 3:

  • Eyebrow: Releasing any remaining tension and limiting beliefs around this pain.
  • Side of Eye: Letting it all go of what it feels safe to.
  • Under Eye: Feeling calm and centered.
  • Under Nose: Trusting in my body's unique ability to heal.
  • Chin: I love and accept myself with or without this pain.
  • Collarbone: Cultivating peace within my mind, body and soul.
  • Under Arm: I choose to be free from this pain.
  • Top of Head: Thanking my body for its resilience and strength.

After completing each round, remember to measure your Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS) score again to monitor changes in your pain and emotional state. Repeat the script for 2-3 more rounds, focusing on the pain and any related emotions, and tune into how the pain changes as you tap.


EFT Tapping offers a gentle and empowering approach to managing pain by addressing its emotional roots. By incorporating mindfulness and a tapping routine tailored to your needs, you can begin to find relief and regain a sense of control over your pain. Remember, your journey to pain relief is unique, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you explore this potential solution.

Whether you're experiencing acute discomfort or dealing with long-term pain, consider integrating EFT Tapping into your self-care regimen. While it's not a panacea, empower yourself with this tool and discover its potential to transform how you experience and manage pain in your life. Keep tapping to explore its benefits and find what works best for you.


Can EFT Tapping be used alongside other pain management techniques?

Yes, EFT Tapping can be used in conjunction with other pain management techniques such as physical therapy, painkillers/medication, and mindfulness practices. It's a complementary approach that can enhance overall pain relief and emotional well-being. Always consult with your healthcare provider to ensure that combining treatments is safe and effective for your specific condition.

How long does it typically take to see results from EFT Tapping for pain relief?

The time it takes to see results from EFT Tapping can vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience immediate relief, others might require several sessions before noticing significant changes. Consistency is key, so it's important to practice tapping regularly and be patient with the process. Approach tapping with an open heart and mind to maximize its potential benefits.

Can EFT Tapping help with both acute and chronic pain?

EFT Tapping can be beneficial for both acute and chronic pain. For acute pain, such as that from a recent injury, tapping can help reduce immediate discomfort and promote relaxation. For chronic pain, EFT can address the long-term emotional and psychological aspects that contribute to persistent pain, potentially providing ongoing relief and improving quality of life.

Is EFT Tapping safe for everyone, including those with serious health conditions?

EFT Tapping is generally considered safe for most people, including those with serious health conditions. However, it's crucial to consult with your healthcare provider before starting EFT as a complementary treatment or therapy, especially if you have a severe medical condition or are undergoing treatment. An experienced clinical EFT practitioner can also provide guidance and adapt the technique to suit your individual needs and health status.


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