Blog 5 Common EFT Tapping Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)
Woman Making Tapping Mistakes

5 Common EFT Tapping Mistakes (& How to Avoid Them)


If you’re looking to achieve positive outcomes from Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you need to avoid making some common EFT tapping mistakes.

Whether you’re a dedicated tapper or have just started, it’s essential to be aware of these mistakes so that you can maximize the positive impact of tapping.

In our modern world of things that promise instant results, quick fixes, and on-demand content, you’d be forgiven for thinking that EFT tapping is a one-time solution to all your problems. While it’s true that tapping can work quickly in some cases, if you’re tapping on your own without guidance from a practitioner, it may take some trial and error to make it work for you.

So let’s cut to the chase and learn how you can get more from your tapping practice each day.

Here are 5 common EFT Tapping mistakes and tips to avoid them

1: Not being consistent

As mentioned above, we often expect immediate results from EFT tapping, but it’s important to remember that tapping is a process. Similar to peeling an onion, the issues we want to address can be seen as layers that need to be slowly peeled away to reveal the core of our perturbance. It’s recommended to work with a practitioner who can guide you through this process in a gentle and supportive way.

Trying tapping a few times and expecting to resolve all deep-seated fears, trauma, and issues just isn’t realistic. Consistency is key to achieving positive outcomes from EFT tapping.

Stay Consistant Message

How to avoid inconsistency

  • Make tapping a daily habit. Incorporate EFT tapping into your daily routine and create a tracker to help you stay on track. Set reminders on your smartphone or calendar to ensure you don’t forget to tap.
  • Hold yourself accountable. Tapping with a friend or joining a tapping membership can help you stay motivated and hold you accountable for your progress.
  • Work with a practitioner. Whether it’s through weekly or monthly sessions, in-person or over Zoom, working with an EFT coach or practitioner can help you stay consistent with tapping and provide guidance to help you achieve your goals.
  • Set a specific time for tapping. Choose a time of day when you can dedicate a few minutes to tapping, such as in the morning before starting your day or in the evening before going to bed. This will help you make tapping a habit and ensure that you are consistent with your practice.
  • Keep it short and simple. Don’t try to tackle too many issues at once or spend too much time tapping in one session. Instead, focus on one specific issue and keep your tapping sessions short and simple. This will help you stay motivated and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Celebrate your progress. It’s important to celebrate the progress you make with tapping, no matter how small it may seem. This will help you stay motivated and encouraged to continue with your practice.
  • Use tapping scripts or guided meditations. If you are new to tapping or struggling to stay consistent, using tapping scripts or guided meditations can be helpful. These resources provide a structured and guided approach to tapping and can help you stay focused and consistent with your practice.

2: Not recording your goals or progress

Like any kind of goals in life or business, they need to be reviewed regularly. What do you want to achieve through tapping? How will you measure your success? Many people use tap-along videos as a one-off (on-demand tapping), which is great for a quick confidence boost or reducing stress, but for long-term and deeper tapping outcomes, it’s worth setting a longer-term goal.

Smart Goals

How to avoid drifting along with tapping

  • Measure your progress. The easiest way to do this is by recording your SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress) level before and after each tapping session. On a scale of 1-10, how high is the intensity of emotion about what you’re tapping on?
  • Keep a tapping journal/planner. Use a notebook to record your SUDS for each tapping session and write down any physical symptoms or emotional shifts you experience.
  • Set a SMART tapping goal. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. By setting a SMART tapping goal, you will have a clear target to work towards, and you can track your progress over time.
  • Use a variety of tapping scripts. Mix up your tapping routine by using different scripts to address various issues or emotions. This will keep things fresh and prevent boredom.
  • Try new techniques. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new tapping techniques or approaches. You might discover a new method that works better for you.

3: Letting your tapping go stale

As the quote says, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. This is one of the most common EFT Tapping mistakes; you keep trying the same way which hasn’t worked and hope for a different result, meaning you end up feeling demotivated, frustrated and ready to give up. Then tapping becomes a chore and quickly loses its appeal.

How to avoid stagnant tapping

  • Get curious. What’s worked before? Why did that work better? What works for others? You can get advice and support in tapping Facebook groups.
  • Try new techniques. There are many different tapping techniques you can try. Give them a go and see what works for you.
  • Shake things up. Try tapping in a new location, following a different tap along video or working with a different practitioner and always go into your tapping practice with excitement and enthusiasm.
  • Explore new topics. It’s easy to get stuck tapping on the same issue over and over again. Try branching out and tapping on a new topic or aspect of the issue you’re working on. This can bring fresh perspective and help you break through any stagnant energy.
  • Use different phrases. Experiment with different tapping phrases or affirmations. This can help you uncover new aspects of your issue and address them from different angles.
  • Incorporate other modalities. Tapping can be a powerful tool on its own, but it can also be used in conjunction with other modalities such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness practices. This can help you tap into deeper levels of healing and avoid getting stuck in a rut with your tapping.
  • Take a break. If you’ve been tapping consistently for a while and feel like you’re not making progress, it may be time to take a break. Give yourself some time and space to recharge and come back to tapping with renewed energy and motivation.

4: Being a tapping robot

To be said in a robot voice…”Even-though-I-am-a-robot-I-love-and-accept-myself”. If you are just repeating phrases and going through the tapping points on autopilot, you are not going to get a great deal out of tapping! You need to feel EFT to get good results, and that means focus, commitment, and putting your heart and soul into it.

Robot Tapping

How to avoid being a robot

  • Be present, be mindful. Having a tapping ‘why’ or goal can help with this, as can mindfulness and meditation, both of which can improve your focus and concentration.
  • Bring the perturbance to mind. As you tap, it’s vital that the specific thing you are tapping about is in your mind – this is often called ‘tuning in’ in the EFT world. In TFT (Thought Field Therapy), this is paramount, and TFT practitioners will often ‘activate’ their clients to ensure their perturbance is felt. You can also use this with EFT. For example, if you are tapping on social anxiety about an upcoming networking event, you would imagine yourself just about to walk into a room full of business people. This tuning in inevitably activates your senses, and you’ll most likely experience some, or all, of the symptoms of anxiety you usually get before such an event. Although unpleasant, these symptoms will dissipate with tapping, and you’re more likely to get the results you’re hoping for.
  • Be specific. The more specific you are with both the problem you’re tapping on and all the aspects of that problem, the better results you’ll have. Aspects in EFT usually pertain to the senses – what can be seen, felt, thought, heard, or smelled when it comes to this problem? Drill down and list all the aspects of the problem or issue, and tap on them one at a time. You will most likely need to do this more than once.
  • Use your imagination. Engaging your imagination and visualising while tapping can help you feel more connected to the process. You can imagine a positive outcome or visualise yourself successfully handling a situation that previously caused you stress or anxiety.
  • OWN your tapping. If you’re following scripts or videos, change the words and phrases to things you would usually say to make it more relatable.
  • Seek support. If you find yourself struggling to stay present or engaged with your tapping practice, consider reaching out to a tapping practitioner or joining a tapping group. Having the support of others can help you stay motivated and accountable.

5: Going it alone for the tough stuff

This is another of the most common EFT tapping mistakes, and one many people make, after all, why would you pay someone to tap with you if you can access tapping videos on YouTube for free? The fact is, we can only go so far with anything we try ourselves, and the number 1 reason is….because of ourselves! We hold ourselves back for so many reasons, whether that’s due to subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs, or things outside of our scope of awareness, we can often be our own worst enemy without even realising it. It is crucial to work with a practitioner if you have PTSD or complex trauma, because if you tap alone you could end up re-traumatising yourself. Likewise, if you’re not getting the desired outcomes when tapping on your own, it’s possible there’s some subconscious resistance hindering you. A practitioner can help you to get the most out of tapping in a safe and supportive way.

How to avoid doing it all by yourself

  • Work with a practitioner. Working with a practitioner can also help you to identify blind spots or areas of resistance that you may not be aware of. Sometimes, we are so close to our own problems that we can’t see them clearly, and a practitioner can help to shine a light on these areas and provide guidance on how to tap on them effectively. Find a reputable practitioner who can help you. Check reviews and get recommendations to find the right person. Many practitioners offer free discovery calls, so you can see if you’re a good fit for each other before you commit.
  • Join a tapping community. There are lots of tapping circles or members club out there which will give you some support without the price tag of working 1:1. Check what’s included before you commit. Accountability is another benefit of working with a practitioner or being part of a tapping community. When you’re accountable to someone else, you’re more likely to stick to your tapping routine and make progress towards your goals.

Hopefully this has helped you if you’ve been struggling with tapping or aren’t getting the results you expected. As with any new habit or technique, it’s important to stick at it and shake things up a little!

Have you made any of these mistakes? Or maybe you have another common EFT Tapping mistake to add?! Please feel free to comment below.


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