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Blog EFT Tapping for Animals - How to Help Heal Our Special Companions
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EFT Tapping for Animals - How to Help Heal Our Special Companions


In our journey of nurturing the well-being of our beloved animal companions, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping emerges as a gentle yet powerful tool.

This practice, often used for humans to relieve emotional and physical distress, can be adapted effectively for animals through surrogate, also referred to as proxy tapping. This blog aims to guide you through the fundamentals of surrogate EFT tapping for animals, helping you support their emotional and physical health in a nurturing and respectful manner.

Understanding Surrogate EFT for Animals

First and foremost, it's crucial to understand the distinction between tapping on animals directly versus surrogate tapping. Directly tapping on your pet is not recommended, as it can cause discomfort and distress to both them and their caregivers. Instead, surrogate tapping involves a caregiver or practitioner tapping on themselves while focusing on the animal's issue. This can be done in the presence of the animal or even remotely, respecting their space and comfort.

The Energetic Connection Between Humans and Animals

Research conducted by organizations like the HeartMath Institute explores the concept of human energy fields and their impact on others, including animals. According to their studies, the heart emits electromagnetic waves that can be detected several feet away from the body. These waves are influenced by our emotional state; positive emotions create coherent, harmonious patterns, while negative emotions create erratic, incoherent patterns.

Our emotions and energetic vibrations affect not only our own well-being but also the environment and beings around us, including our animal companions and pet owners. When we are calm and centered, our heart's electromagnetic field becomes coherent and beneficial. This coherence can positively influence the emotional and physiological states of animals in our vicinity.

Surrogate EFT tapping leverages this understanding by focusing on our own emotional balance while intending healing and support for our animals. As we tap through the EFT points, we are not only addressing our own emotions but also projecting positive, healing energy towards our pets.

Why Choose EFT Tapping for Animals?

Animals, like humans, can experience physical and emotional traumas that affect their well-being. Whether it's a cat recovering from surgery, a dog frightened by thunderstorms, or a horse reluctant to enter a trailer, surrogate EFT tapping offers a holistic approach to addressing these challenges for pet owners. By tapping on ourselves with the animal nearby, we create a safe space for them to experience healing vibrations without intrusion. This gentle method respects the animal's boundaries and comfort levels, allowing them to benefit from the soothing effects of EFT tapping in a non-invasive manner.

Those who work with animals recognize the importance of maintaining a calm and reassuring presence during tapping sessions. This approach not only helps animals relax but also fosters trust and strengthens the bond between pets and their caregivers. As we tap, we can observe subtle changes in their behavior and demeanor, affirming the efficacy of this gentle yet powerful technique in supporting their overall well-being.

How Surrogate Tapping Works

Imagine your pet beside you, calm and relaxed, or if they are nearby, you may wish to gently stroke them. Begin by identifying the issue or challenge your animal is facing. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and set your intention to support your companion through animal communication and the use of EFT. Tap gently on yourself, working your way slowly through the specific tapping points while mentally focusing on your animal and the issue at hand. You might say affirmations aloud or silently, addressing the problem with compassion and positivity. Here are some tapping rounds for 3 common issues affecting animals and their humans:

Tapping Sequence for Anxious Dog during Thunderstorms

Many dogs experience significant anxiety during thunderstorms, often exhibiting behaviors such as barking, shaking, or whimpering. The loud, unpredictable noises and changes in atmospheric pressure can leave them visibly distressed, seeking comfort and safety from their owners. Tapping provides a gentle and effective way to support dogs during these challenging times, offering comfort and potentially alleviating their fear and anxiety.

  • Top of the head: "Even though Thunder scares you, I deeply and completely accept you."

  • Eyebrow: "Even though you feel scared right now, I am here to keep you safe."

  • Side of the eye: "Thunder can be loud, but we are safe together."

  • Under the eye: "Let go of fear, my special [pet's name], and embrace calmness."

  • Under the nose: "You are protected, surrounded by love and safety."

  • Chin: "Feel the peace within you, as I calm myself beside you."

  • Collarbone: "Relax, knowing this storm will pass, and we will be fine."

  • Underarm: "I am calm and centered, and you feel my peace through the power of EFT."

  • Top of the head: "Calm and peace surround us both."

Repeat these statements as you gently tap on each point, focusing on your dog's comfort and well-being. Your calm and reassuring presence will help them feel safe and supported during thunderstorms. Trust in the healing power of your connection and continue to affirm their security and peace.

Tapping Sequence for Cat Recovering from Surgery

Recovering from surgery can be a stressful time for cats and their humans. Whether they've undergone a routine procedure or a more serious operation, the process of healing can leave them feeling vulnerable and uneasy. Cats may exhibit signs of discomfort, such as restlessness, reduced appetite, or reluctance to move. Surrogate tapping offers a gentle and supportive approach to aid in their recovery, promoting comfort and assisting in the healing process. This tapping sequence is designed to provide emotional and energetic support for cats during their recuperation, helping to ease their discomfort and enhance their overall well-being.

  • Top of the head: "Even though you've had surgery, [cat's name], I deeply and completely accept you."

  • Eyebrow: "Even though you're recovering, I'm here to help you heal."

  • Side of the eye: "Your body is strong and healing well."

  • Under the eye: "Let go of any discomfort, [cat's name], and embrace comfort and healing."

  • Under the nose: "You are safe and loved, surrounded by healing energy."

  • Chin: "Feel my presence and support as you recover, [cat's name]."

  • Collarbone: "Your body knows how to heal itself, and I am here to assist."

  • Underarm: "I am calm and centered, providing you with peace and comfort."

  • Top of the head: "Healing energy flows through us both."

Repeat these affirmations as you gently tap on each point, focusing on your cat's recovery process and sending positive energy and support. Adjust the statements to fit your cat's specific situation and needs during their healing journey.

Tapping Sequence for Horse Afraid of Getting into a Trailer

For horses, the prospect of entering a trailer can evoke strong feelings of fear and anxiety. This common issue can stem from past negative experiences, uncertainties about confined spaces, or the unfamiliar sounds and movements associated with trailers. Horses may exhibit behaviors such as hesitation, refusal to enter, or even heightened agitation. Surrogate tapping provides a gentle and effective method to help horses overcome their fear and build confidence in trailer loading scenarios. This tapping sequence is designed to support horses, offering reassurance and calmness to facilitate a smoother and more relaxed trailer experience.

  • Top of the head: "Even though trailers scare you, [horse's name], I deeply and completely accept you, and we will use EFT Tapping to help ease your fear."

  • Eyebrow: "Even though you're anxious about the trailer, I'm here to help you feel safe."

  • Side of the eye: "You are a strong and brave horse."

  • Under the eye: "Let go of fear, [horse's name], and trust in our journey together."

  • Under the nose: "You are safe and protected, surrounded by calm energy."

  • Chin: "Feel my presence and patience as we approach the trailer, [horse's name]."

  • Collarbone: "Together, we can overcome this fear and step into the trailer confidently."

  • Underarm: "I am calm and centered, guiding you with love and reassurance."

  • Top of the head: "Confidence and trust fill our journey."

Repeat these affirmations as you gently tap on each point, focusing on your horse's well-being and your intention to help them overcome their fear of the trailer. Adjust the statements to fit your horse's specific situation and needs, ensuring a supportive and calming environment for them.

As with all the above example sequences, if there are any specific points which seem more impactful than others, feel free to amend the sequence accordingly.

Integrating EFT Tapping into Your Pet Care Routine

EFT tapping offers a beautiful opportunity to deepen your daily connection with your furry friend through animal communication. Beyond addressing specific challenges like anxiety or fear, tapping can become a part of your regular pet care routine, fostering a harmonious environment and strengthening your bond.

While surrogate tapping should not replace veterinary care for pets experiencing health conditions or distress, it can complement traditional treatments by promoting emotional balance and overall well-being. Just as humans benefit from emotional and energetic therapies, animals too can experience relief and comfort through this gentle practice.

Imagine incorporating a short tapping session into your daily interactions with your pet. Whether it's a calming session before bedtime, a moment of relaxation after a stimulating activity, or simply a way to share peaceful energy, tapping can enhance the quality of life for both you and your furry friend.

By tapping with intention and mindfulness, you not only address immediate concerns but also nurture a deeper understanding of your pet's emotional needs. This practice encourages mutual trust and communication, creating a positive atmosphere where your animal companion feels secure and loved.

Remember, each animal is unique, and their responses to tapping may vary. Observe your pet's reactions and adjust your approach accordingly, ensuring that tapping sessions are always conducted in a safe and comfortable environment.

In essence, integrating surrogate EFT tapping into your pet care routine is about more than just addressing specific issues—it's about fostering daily moments of connection, healing, and mutual well-being between you and your beloved companion.

Research and Resources

While specific studies on EFT tapping for animals are still emerging, research into energy healing modalities underscores its potential benefits for both animals and humans alike. This field of study reveals how our emotional and energetic states can significantly impact our surroundings, including our animal companions and pet owners.

For instance, programs like "Dogs Behaving Very Badly" with master dog trainer Graeme Hall often showcase situations where a dog's behavioral challenges stem from the owner's emotional state or the dynamics within the household. This phenomenon highlights the interconnectedness between human emotions and animal behavior, suggesting that addressing the owner's stress or anxiety can positively influence their pet's well-being.

Joan Ranquet, an author and expert in animal communication and energy healing, further explores this connection in her book entitled Emotional Freedom Technique for Animals and Their Humans - Creating a Harmonious Relationship through Tapping, and teachings. She emphasizes the role of emotional balance and energetic harmony in fostering healthier relationships between animals and their caregivers.

While empirical evidence specific to surrogate tapping in animals may be limited, anecdotal evidence and case studies illustrate its potential to alleviate stress, improve behavior, and enhance the overall quality of life for animals. As research continues to evolve in this field, resources from experts like Joan Ranquet provide valuable insights into integrative approaches to animal care.

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, proxy EFT tapping offers a gentle and effective way to support the emotional and physical health of our animal companions. By practicing with mindfulness and respect for their boundaries, we can enhance their well-being and strengthen our bond with them. Remember, every animal is unique, so observe their responses and adjust your approach accordingly. Together, let's continue to nurture and care for our special companions with love and compassion.

Embrace the journey of healing with Emotional Freedom Technique, and may it bring peace and harmony to you and your cherished animal friends.


Can EFT tapping be used for all types of animals, or is it more effective for certain species?

EFT tapping can be adapted for various animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and even smaller pets like rabbits or birds. While the technique itself remains similar across species, sensitivity and approach may vary, so it's essential to observe and adapt to each animal's comfort level.

How long does it take to see results from EFT tapping with animals?

The timeframe for seeing results can vary depending on the animal's sensitivity and the specific issue being addressed. Some animals may respond quickly, showing signs of relaxation or improved behavior after just a few sessions. For deeper-seated issues or complex behaviors, consistent practice over a period of time may be necessary to observe significant changes.

Is it safe to use EFT tapping on pregnant animals or animals with specific health conditions?

It's generally recommended to consult with a veterinarian before applying EFT tapping to pregnant animals or those with specific health concerns. While surrogate EFT tapping is gentle and non-invasive, professional guidance ensures that the technique complements veterinary care without posing any risks.

Can EFT tapping help with behavioral issues that are deeply ingrained or have been present for a long time?

Yes, EFT tapping can be beneficial for addressing long-standing behavioral issues in animals. By focusing on emotional triggers and promoting relaxation, tapping helps shift negative patterns and promote positive responses over time. Consistency and patience are key factors in achieving lasting improvements in behavior.

Are there specific situations where EFT tapping might not be suitable for animals?

While surrogate EFT tapping is generally safe and well-tolerated by animals, it may not be suitable for those with severe trauma or acute physical pain. In such cases, it's essential to prioritize veterinary intervention and explore other complementary therapies under professional guidance.


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