Welcome to this EFT Tapping video and transcript focused on cultivating an abundance mindset. In our busy lives, it's easy to get caught up in feelings of lack and scarcity, especially when it comes to money. This tapping session is designed to help you shift your perspective and embrace a more abundant mindset. As you engage with the process, take a moment to reflect on what abundance means to you and how it manifests in your life. By the end of this session, you'll have the opportunity to reassess your feelings of abundance and notice any positive changes.
Today's tapping is all around cultivating an abundance mindset. Now, before we get stuck in, I just want you to think about the meaning of abundance to you right now and how abundant you feel in this moment. So it might be that things are really difficult for you at the moment. Maybe you're experiencing feelings of lack and scarcity, particularly when it comes to money. So I want you to rate how abundant you feel on that scale of 1 to 10. Now, 10 would be extremely abundant, feeling wildly abundant right now, and zero would be, I do not feel at all abundant right now. Make a mental note of that score, or if you want to, you can share it in the comments with you, and we're going to check in again at the end. So let's get tapping. Before we start, just take a nice deep calming breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Just let go of any stress or tensions of your morning. As you breathe deeply, we're going to start on the karate chop point, like always. Just copy what I do, copy what I say, and you can change up any words if they don't feel quite right to you as well.
Side of the Hand/Karate Chop Point:
Even though I've sometimes got caught up in feelings of lack and scarcity, either in the past or maybe that I'm experiencing that right now, I accept myself in this moment and all my feelings.
Even though there have been times that my world has felt anything but abundant, from today, I choose to just open myself up a little bit to abundance.
Even though there have been times where I haven't felt like there's been enough, or times that I haven't felt like I'm enough, I choose to deeply and completely love, honor, and accept myself.
Eyebrow Point:
Some days it is really hard to feel abundant.
Side of the Eye:
Some days it's really hard to feel grateful.
Under the Eye:
And some days, I feel like I have a lack and scarcity mindset.
Under the Nose:
Today, I'm just going to acknowledge what's coming up for me around this.
Chin Point:
Because I do want to cultivate a more abundant mindset.
Collarbone Point:
But at the moment, when I think about abundance, I feel... (express any negativity you might be feeling about abundance).
Under the Arm:
I want to cultivate abundance, but all these difficult and negative feelings are getting in the way.
Top of the Head:
I want to cultivate abundance, but I don't know how, and I feel a bit stuck, and I'd like to shift my state.
Okay, just stop tapping there for a moment. Just close your eyes. Take a nice deep breath. And then just bring your attention to your heart and express that real appreciation for the abundance inside your body right now at this moment. The abundance of energy. Maybe you're feeling some really positive energy flowing throughout your body. Your heart beating, breathing, you don't even need to think about it. It just happens thousands of times, day by day, week by week. Letting that gratitude and abundance and appreciation just flow all around your body.
And if you want to imagine a light that represents this abundance, you can do. Maybe it's a beautiful, rich purple color. Maybe it's gold or silver. Just see that light shining all throughout your body, reminding yourself that abundance is an inside job and what starts on the inside can spread outside. So just imagine that light shining from you, that abundant light shining from you and reaching all the things in your world, all the people, all the places, all the things. See that light, that abundant light just shining all around you. And as it reaches and touches other people, they feel more abundant. They can bask in the abundance as well. And that impact can be limitless. You never know the impact that you're having on others. Nice deep breath and let go.
And then let's just do another check-in with how abundant you're feeling now. So we did this right at the beginning on that scale of 1 to 10. Ten was extremely abundant and zero was not at all abundant. Hopefully, those feelings of abundance have really increased, and this tapping has helped you cultivate some of those lovely abundant feelings as well. Keep tapping. Do it again and again if you need to. It's a really lovely thing to do each day. And a big part of feeling more abundant is really looking at gratitude and thinking about all those really simple things in your life that you're thankful for every day. Even just being able to go to a tap and get some water is a real pleasure, really, to be able to do that. It's an honour. We're so lucky that we are able to do that and have access to things like clean water and electricity and the Internet. And when we start to express that deep appreciation for the things that we already have in our life, it can really help us to increase those feelings of abundance.
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