Blog Why EFT Tapping Works For Anxiety & How To Get Started
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Why EFT Tapping Works For Anxiety & How To Get Started


Overwhelm, stress and anxiety are sadly a common experience for us busy human beings juggling numerous daily responsibilities. EFT tapping is an effective technique to manage these feelings and restore a sense of calm and balance among the demands of life.

Anxiety is a natural and normal reaction to stress, danger, or uncertainty. In some situations, anxiety can even be helpful as it can motivate us to take action, prepare for challenges, and avoid potential harm. For example, feeling anxious before a big test or exam can motivate us to study harder and perform better. The problem is that excessive or long-term anxiety can interfere with our daily lives, leading to physical and mental health issues.

What Are The Symptoms of Anxiety?

Anxiety is a complex and individual experience that affects each person differently. Some common symptoms may include restlessness, irritability, trouble sleeping, and difficulty concentrating, but there are many others. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggle, and seeking support can make a significant difference in managing anxiety.

At times, anxiety can be overwhelming and cause us to feel isolated and scared. It’s important to remember that help is available, and there are effective techniques like EFT tapping that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. In this blog post, we’ll delve into why EFT tapping is effective for anxiety, and we’ll also provide a simple tapping script to help you get started on your journey towards feeling more calm and centered.

What is EFT Tapping?

EFT tapping stands for Emotional Freedom Technique, and it’s a holistic approach to emotional and physical healing. It involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular issue or emotion. EFT tapping is often described as a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It’s based on the idea that negative emotions and physical symptoms are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system. By tapping on specific points, you can release this energy blockage and restore balance to your body.

Why Does EFT Tapping Work For Anxiety?

Anxiety can be triggered by various factors such as stress, trauma, or genetics. When we experience anxiety, our body goes into a fight or flight response, releasing stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Although this response can be helpful in short bursts, when it becomes chronic, it can lead to various physical and mental health issues. EFT tapping is a technique that can help to reduce anxiety by calming the body’s stress response and promoting relaxation.

Woman with Anxiety Tapping

Studies have found that EFT tapping can shift the brain’s electrical activity from high-frequency beta waves associated with anxiety to lower-frequency alpha and theta waves associated with relaxation and calmness. This shift can help promote a more relaxed state of mind, allowing individuals to reduce their experience of anxiety and its impact on their daily lives.

Other studies have further demonstrated the efficacy of EFT tapping in reducing stress and anxiety. In a randomized controlled trial, 82% of participants who received EFT tapping for anxiety reported a significant reduction in symptoms compared to only 44% of participants who received cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (Feinstein et al., 2012). Another study found that EFT tapping was effective in reducing anxiety in healthcare providers (Karatzias et al., 2011). Additionally, a meta-analysis of 20 EFT tapping studies found that EFT tapping was associated with a significant reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms (Nelms & Castel, 2016).

EFT tapping is a gentle and effective way to change the way we think and feel about anxiety, as it helps calm the body’s stress response, promoting relaxation and rewiring the brain’s neural pathways.

How To Get Started With EFT Tapping

If you’re interested in trying EFT tapping for anxiety, here’s how to get started:

  • Identify Your Symptoms: The first step is to identify the symptoms of anxiety that you’re experiencing. This could include feelings of fear, worry, or panic, as well as physical symptoms like sweating, rapid heartbeat or tension. Write down all the things you’re experiencing as you can use this throughout the tapping process.
  • Create or Choose A Tapping Script: Once you’ve identified your symptoms, you can choose a tapping script that’s tailored for reducing anxiety. A tapping script is a series of statements that you repeat while tapping through the points (for a basic, easy-to-use tapping script to get started, check out the example provided below). Likewise, there are lots of tap-along videos on YouTube that you could try if you prefer.
  • Tap Through The Points: After you’ve chosen your tapping script, it’s time to start tapping on specific EFT Tapping points on your body.
  • Repeat As Needed: You can repeat your tapping script and sequence as many times as you need to feel calmer and more relaxed. You can also modify your script based on your symptoms and how you’re feeling in the moment. Tapping works best when you’re as specific as possible, so make sure to personalize your script as much as possible to suit your requirements.

Basic EFT Tapping Script For Anxiety

Here’s a basic EFT Tapping script which you can use to reduce anxious thoughts and feelings.

Setup phrase (tap on the side of the hand)…

  • Even though I’m feeling anxious and overwhelmed right now, I accept how I’m feeling
  • Even though this anxiety is causing me distress and discomfort, I acknowledge how I feel and am open to feeling calmer
  • Even though I feel tense and uneasy, I choose to deeply and completely, love, honor and accept myself

Tap through the points…

  • Eyebrow: I feel so anxious and overwhelmed right now
  • Side of eye: I can’t seem to shake this feeling of dread
  • Under eye: My heart is racing and I can’t catch my breath
  • Under nose: This anxiety is taking over my life
  • Chin: I hate feeling this way
  • Collarbone: All this anxiety
  • Under arm: All these horrible feelings in my body
  • Top of head: It’s hard to be present with these thoughts, feelings and emotions

Continue with another round…

  • Eyebrow: This anxiety I am feeling
  • Side of eye: It’s making me feel really uncomfortable
  • Under eye: My body is tense and my mind is racing
  • Under nose: But I choose to relax and calm myself down
  • Chin: I am in control of my thoughts and emotions
  • Collarbone: By tapping, I am activating my body’s natural relaxation response and calming my mind
  • Under arm: I am safe and everything is going to be okay
  • Top of head: I am becoming more calm and peaceful

Gently place your hands on your heart and take a deep, calming breath, exhaling as slowly and completely as you can. Repeat this soothing breath three times

If you’re still feeling anxious, don’t worry. Keep tapping and repeating the script until you notice a shift in your mood and feel more peaceful.

Remember, while EFT tapping can be a helpful tool for managing anxiety, it’s important to seek professional help if you’re experiencing long-lasting and severe symptoms.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you found these two rounds of tapping helpful and want to experience even more relief, we've got you covered. Access our comprehensive anxiety tapping script and workbook designed to guide you through a complete EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) session.

Take the next step in your journey towards calm and confidence.


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